Further support to Mobile Teams in Boljevac na Negotin

During November, the project continued supporting Mobile Teams for Roma Inclusion in Boljevac and Negotin, organizing workshops. Since both teams were formed relatively recently, with the support of the project (the team in Negotin was formed during July, while team in Boljevac during October 2020), the purpose of the workshops was to better introduce teams’ members with the topic of social inclusion and legal and strategic frameworks governing Roma inclusion issues. Part of the workshop was dedicated to understanding the important role mobile teams should play in improving inter-sectoral and horizontal co-operation at the local level, as a precondition for better availability of services and easier exercising  the rights of Roma.  The goal of the workshops was also to identify main challenges and needs of the Roma population, in order to prepare the operational plans of mobile teams for 2021. In the coming period, the project will continue to support the Mobile Team in Boljevac in collecting the data necessary for the preparation of the local action plan (LAP) as well as through the process of drafting the LAP itself.

Bearing in mind that the process of resettlement of vulnerable groups is quite complex and regulated by numerous laws and bylaws, that it requires good knowledge of the legal framework, organization of consultation processes but also the support that local self-government should provide even when the resettlement process is completed, the project will also support Negotin and Boljevac in preparing an Action Plan for the preparation and implementation of resettlement plans.

Last updated: March 4, 2025, 08:13